Experts Advice - Car park sales and leasing
In the past, sales and leasing car parking space usually involves sticking up a notice in front of car park or lamp post, or leaving contact to
security guard in case someone enquires. With the rise of property agency business, there is a new channel to publicise car park to lease or for
However, with internet there is a more efficient and cost effective way to centralise and to deliver massive amount of comple x information to
market. It is searchable by district, street, building name or by another requirment sepcified by searcher. Human error that tends to slow down
data collection and presentation is avoided.
Technological advancement even allows price negotiation and agreement online.
But Hong Kong telecommunication industry rapid development takes this to a new level with mobile SMS communication.
Nowadays, both parties can conduct price negotiation to reach agreement with help of mobile SMS communication technology. No only does it
speed up negotiation process and take away middleman, but maintain a barrier to avoid akward situation while cutting down on human error.
It allows negotiation anywhere, 24-hour a day.
For reference only. It is not investment advice.